Last year when I was decorating our house for Billy Idol Day, I made a little heart wreath thingy to replace our previous one. The previous one was actually really cute but we slammed the door a bit too hard one day and it fell and shattered *_*
So this was the result:

I used some styrofoam balls as well as some old baubles, roses and a LOT of glitter.
To begin with, I hot glued the larger styrofoam balls into a basic heart shape.
Then I filled in the gaps with smaller baubles and some roses.
I then took it into the bathroom and covered it with PVA glue and silver glitter. Even with paper laid down it still made a massive mess haha!
I didn’t have enough glitter for the back as well so it really only looks good from that one angle haha!
But there you go!
It looks quite cute! It certainly brightens up our ugly door a bit!
It probably represents us quite well, James is the heart and I’m the constant glitter ^_^

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