This week is shaping up to be a week full of videos I think! Today is the last video Celeste and I made before I upgraded all my lighting so be prepared for awesomeness to come ^_^ I’ve finally finished my crochet bunny tutorial with the video too so that will be up mid week YAY! I really can’t wait to post some of the ones I’ve been working on because the quality is finally something I’m happy about XD

Buuuut back on topic. Today’s video with Celeste is all about the double hair buns. I did a tutorial on double buns quite a while ago but again somethings are easier to understand in video so hopefully this is helpful.

Again imagine this conversation going on:

Violet: I really like this style on you.

Celeste: You think? I bet if James had hair you would play with it all the time.

Violet: Yeah  but I imagine he would shave it just to avoid me doing this to him!

Celeste: You’ve just got to catch him while he’s sleeping and glue a wig on!

Violet: Ooooh that’s not a bad idea!

Celeste: Hime-wig-James!!!

Violet: Double bun James!!

James: *silently plans to return to Russia and never come back*

In case all of you were wondering as much as I was… this is what double bun James would look like mwahahahaha!

Head over to Celeste’s post to see the nice photos!

Hope the video was a bit useful and everyone had a good weekend! Looking forward to putting up the crochet tutorial 😀

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